My Favorite Duty Station

Our President has come up with an idea, to get some participation on the site, Tells us your favorite duty station.

This is limited to all PCs and any other members of the Association. Just enter your Favorite Duty Station as a comment and we will get it posted. The Prez starts the ball rolling.

Alan Hass (NPCA President) – My Best Duty Station

Although each of my duty stations had something good to offer I would have to say that JUSMAG-K Chinhae, Korea was my most rewarding assignment. I was stationed there from 1971-1973 when it was independent duty. Support was excellent throughout the chain of command with everyone going out of their way to help each other as needed.

Chinhae is a port city approximately 30 miles from Pusan, Korea, the closest large city. Everyday I was required to make a round-trip mail run to Pusan to drop-off outgoing, and pickup incoming mail from the Army Post Office. That was the only bad thing about the assignment as the roads at that time were dangerous, and it took a long time to travel the relatively short distance.

I reported aboard as a PC2 and was able to bring my wife with me. Base housing was excellent and well maintained. As I remember there were between 80-100 people stationed on the base. Mail was extremelly important, especially during that time frame because there was no internet. I would make my mail run early in the morning, be back at about 10:30, sort the mail and then provide finance service in the afternoon. People appreciated the service I provided and I received much personal gratification by being able to provide this vital connection to families and friends back home.

The base had all of the necessities to support Sailors and their families. This included a medical clinic, a bowling alley, and clubs, as well as free movies twice a week. The base also had a small commissary. I mention this in particular because 3 times a week, while on my mail run, I had to stop at the bakery in Pusan and pickup bread for the commissary. By doing this I was always given fresh rolls and bread to take home. This was an unusual side benefit of being a PC in Chinhae, but was fine with me. I also had to pickup messages from the Army message center, and meet other command requirements as necessary, such as support to visiting U.S. Navy ships.

I am not sure anyone knew my name since I was always called PC. My first son, Russell, who was born at the civilian hospital in Pusan was referred to as little PC.

To cap off this tour I was fortunate to be promoted to PC1.

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