Welcome to the Navy Postal Clerks Association (NPCA) website. In addition to being postal clerks we were also a part of something bigger than most of us could have ever imagined. Being a Sailor is special, and I venture to say we are all proud Navy Veterans. Places we have been, people we have met, and adventures along our journey will forever be etched in our minds..PLEASE REGISTER The following article is a lead-in to this home page.
Mail Call – The importance of mail service cannot be overestimated. It remains important today just as it was during WWII when postal support to servicemembers was provided by members of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. There was no separate Air Force at that time. They were a part of the Army.
Email/gmail, Skype, etc., has significantly reduced the amount of correspondence being sent through the mail. However there remains a strong need for quality military postal services. Just ask Sailors aboard ships on deployment and those stationed overseas. This is true for all branches of the Armed Services and the Coast Guard.
Background – The Navy Postal Clerks Association is for past and present Navy members of the Postal Clerk Rating (established 1960) and their families. Also pre and post PCs that served as Navy Postal Clerks are welcome as are Marine Corps Postal Clerks, and any officer or civilian employee that served in a postal billet. In addition, any member of the Logistics Specialist (LS) or Retail Specialist (RS) Ratings who are, or have been assigned to postal duties are eligible to join. Any and all family members of a deceased postal clerk are also welcome to join. The association is made up of former, retired and active men and women of the Navy Postal Service who have been serving the fleet since October 1960, and the Mail Handlers before them.
There is a myth that the association is a bunch of old Chiefs. This is not a fact as we have PCSN’s to PCCM’s, serving as little as 2 years to over 30 years, regular Navy as well as reserves.
The purpose of the association is:
- To promote the social welfare of the Navy Postal Clerk community.
- To conduct programs for charitable and educational purposes.
- To sponsor or participate in activities patriotic in nature.
- To provide social and recreational activities for it’s members.
Along with the above, we also have a goal of keeping the tradition of hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Navy Postal Service and the Mail Handlers before them alive. Postal Clerks are among the most known people of any command, sometimes maybe not the most liked, but still the best known. You can wear the a Navy Retired or a Navy ball cap and many times will be told “Hello Shipmate”, but wearing the Navy Postal Clerks Association cap, you are more likely to hear “did you know postal clerk so and so If you have any questions about this site, please feel free to contact Mike Bertalan NPCA@roadrunner.com
How many remember the ALL Hands Magazine. Shipmate and fellow postal clerk, Pat Huston, found an article that allows you to view all the articles published about PCs and mail clerks. Check our Links section for the hook up.
Photo Gallery Information
The photo gallery is up and running. Members can submit photos related to their postal career. You can upload them to the site under the gallery or send them by email to site: npca@roadrunner.com. Label them so we can identify the individuals.
Online Chat-Room:
We have added an online chat-room, You can find access to it on the lower right corner of this page and on the open chat page, it is called CHATWEE, click on it and enter your name where it says you are entered as. Then type your message and hit enter.
Navy Postal Clerks Association website.
I request your support in encouraging more PCs to join the organization. It may take awhile, but I anticipate membership will grow. Hopefully, as a team, we can all improve the organization and add to all the great efforts done in the past, which got us to where we are now.
Our next Reunion is scheduled for 2024 in San Diego, CA. Ed Larson and Joe Iorg will be hosting the reunion.
DUES AND ALL FINANCIAL TRANSACTION GO TO JEFFREY GIBBS, poczar.jlg@gmail.com “Annual membership dues are $20 for TWO YEARS or $50 for LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. New members must complete an NPCA_Membership_Application-2022x (if form does not open, it can be copied and paste from “Join Organization” tab) and send dues to:
Jeff Gibbs
5621 Memorial Dr.
Virginia Beach VA 23455-3874
Spouses of deceased members have always been welcome to join our association. If a spouse of a deceased member is interested, the association will honor them with a Lifetime membership. Jeff Gibbs is secretary/ Mail Directory/and Membership too, If you see something wrong in this directory or know of another Postal Clerk that’s not listed, contact Jeff by email at: poczar.jlg@gmail.com , or by mail at:
Jeff Gibbs
5621 Memorial Dr.
Virginia Beach VA 23455-3874
Help build membership by recruiting shipmates who were assigned to postal duties. Want a Postal Clerk T-Shirt, or other association merchandise check out The Association’s Ship Store, http://www.cafepress.com/NPCA
Any problem with this web site contact the web master Mike Bertalan at NPCA@roadrunner.com And of course you can contact your President, Ed Larson at pccsret@yahoo.com.
Information on the next reunion will be posted under the Reunion tab once I have information to share..
Ed Larson
NPCA President
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