Business Meeting Minutes


April 28, 2022

The meeting was officially called to order at 1015 by President Alan Hass.


President Hass informed membership that, the hotel needs all our beer, sodas, snacks etc. removed from the banquet room following the banquet as hotel staff must prepare the room for a new business group using the room first thing the next morning. Additionally, anybody that would like any of the remaining refreshments and snacks take these items with you when you leave following the banquet. If there is any beer or sodas remaining, these items will be donated to a local American Legion post. He also informed membership the reunion raffle would close down at 1400 to allow hotel staff ample time to prepare the hospitality room for the banquet scheduled to begin at 1830. Also, a reminder to all that group pictures will be taken at 1700 in the hotel lobby followed by a cash bar in the hospitality room prior to the banquet.


The Association Secretary/Treasurer Terry Baardsgaard reported the following.

Terry reported current active membership was 113 with 112 life members and 1 honorary member, Mr Henry Negishi, longtime administrative and logistics coordinator at Fleet Mail Center, Yokohama Japan. Additionally, he shared reunion attendance statistics since the association’s inaugural reunion in February 2004. Except for the two Las Vegas reunions with the largest member attendance, 55 and 45 respectively, the average reunion attendance is 26.

Terry then shared a recap of the associations financial status beginning with the 2018 San Antonio reunion. He reported that the association’s account balance has remained stable. He reported the beginning account balance for the current reunion was $5,460.11. Once all receipts and expenses for the 2022 reunion have cleared the bank, a final ending balance would be reported. As of this writing all financial transactions are complete, and the ending account balance is $ 3,273.82. .

President Alan Hass then announced there would be 13 Navy Postal Managers from Naval Supply Systems Command joining us for our banquet. Many of these guests worked alongside Alan during his years of service at NAVSUP.


President Alan Hass raised questions regarding the status of the association going forward. The current board of directors have been in place for the past six years with several association members, particularly some senior members and those with medical issues finding it difficult to participate in our reunions. That said, for the association to remain active, a new board of directors must be established that can attract younger Navy Postal Clerks to join the association. He then opened the floor for comments, discussion, and recommendations, emphasizing the importance of those younger association members to volunteer for these leadership positions. Mike Bertalan stated he would like the association to continue.

Discussion followed with several members offering their comments.

Brad Stenstrom spoke on need to expand membership and suggested opening the association to Army postal clerks. Unfortunately, Army postal clerks do not meet the criteria for joining the association, as pointed out by the following excerpt from the Navy Postal Clerks Association website, Navy Postal Clerks Association is for past and present Navy members of the Postal Clerk Rating (established 1960) and their families. Also, pre and post PCs that served as Navy Postal Clerks are welcome as are Marine Corps Postal Clerks, and any officer or civilian employee that served in a postal billet. In addition, any member of the Logistics Specialist (LS) Rating who are or have been assigned to postal duties are eligible to join.  Any and all family members of a deceased postal clerk are also welcomed to join. The association is made up of former, retired, and active men and women of the Navy Postal Service who have been serving the fleet since October 1960, and the Mail Handlers before them. Brad also commented on his previous experience with reunions in other organizations. He volunteered to offer any assistance necessary to help expand our membership.

Alan Hass then opened the floor for nominations for a new board of directors. Ed Larson was nominated for President; the nomination was seconded. Membership voted in favor; Ed Larson will be the new association, President. The floor was then open for nominations for Vice President. Three members were nominated, Joe Iorg, Brad Stenstrom and George Card. A floor vote was taken, first for Joe Iorg who received a majority of votes present; therefore, Joe was elected our new Vice President. Jeff Gibbs volunteered to become the new Secretary/Treasurer, that was seconded by membership and Jeff will assume the duties of Secretary/Treasurer. Alan Hass offered to be the new Senior Advisor, that was seconded by membership. Finally, Mike Bertalan agreed to remain as the association website manager.

Next question on the floor, where is the next reunion. Russ Nichols suggested San Diego as the next reunion location. Jeff Gibbs suggested Jax/Mayport Fl. Terry Baardsgaard spoke up to clarify that the association had previously voted on a specific rotation, West, Central and East. He reminded all the association tried twice, 2020 and 2021 to hold a reunion in Portland OR, but due to COVID both had to be cancelled. This reunion was held here, out of rotation simply because it was 4 years since the last. Therefore, noting that Jeff Gibbs’s point was well taken, the established reunion rotation should be followed. A second location, Las Vegas was suggested, a point was made that we had been there twice before. However, Las Vegas remained a viable option. Jack Kaperka suggested the Tri-Cities area which is in the SE corner of Washington State. There were no other locations nominated. Membership took a vote and San Diego was selected as our next reunion site.

Alan Hass then asked for volunteers to plan the San Diego reunion. There were no immediate volunteers. Several offered discussions on the matter. Russ Nichols spoke and emphasized the importance of volunteering for this function. Terry Baardsgaard brought up the YMRC organization that can train volunteers in reunion planning. Jack Kaperka informed membership that the YMRC may have become defunct partially due to medical and financial issues. Jack agreed to contact YMRC to investigate. Russ Nichols asked for someone to explain the benefits of YMRC and what the association covers. Terry Baardsgaard explained the association would pay for YMRC admission costs; individuals would need to provide their own transportation to the YMRC conference site. The YMRC pays for a participants hotel and all meals during the conference. Since there were no volunteers for a reunion planner, Terry Baardsgaard suggested that we forgo a decision for 30 days to allow membership think it over and possibly someone would volunteer. If no volunteer in 30 days, new leadership would be tasked with resolving the matter.

Jack Kaperka offered additional information on the YMRC. Their phone number is 417-593-4234, POC is Debbie Jones. Jack emphasized the importance of attending one of their planning conferences, preferably in San Diego if on their schedule. If not, attend the closest one to your residence. Alan Hass added, the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) can also provide valuable assistance. Jim Masters spoke and suggested an email be sent focusing on the west coast PCs to see if someone there would be willing to take on the function of planner. Alan and Terry agreed. Alan would take that for action.

Next topic was eventual turnover of association leadership. Alan Hass spoke and stated that we should have that completed within the next 30 days. Alan Hass will work with Ed Larson, Terry Baardsgaard would coordinate with Jeff Gibbs to complete the turnover.

Alan Hass asked if there was any other business that needed to be discussed. Mike Bertalan spoke on the website upgrade and that it was currently ongoing. Terry Baardsgaard will put together a business report and disseminate ASAP. Jim Masters spoke and offered a huge BZ to Alan and Terry for their leadership and management of the association and reunions over the past six years. All applauded.

There was no additional business to discuss therefore, Alan Hass asked membership for a motion to adjourn. Brad Stenstrom offered the motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Jim Masters. The business meeting was officially adjourned at 1115 AM.



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