Taps, Taps, Taps…
In memory of the following PCs who have received PCS orders to join The Supreme Commanders Staff in the Heavens. They will no longer toil as a mortal, their everlasting duty will be to watch over all Navy Postal Clerks and their families, whether on active duty, retired or returned to civilian life
CDR Jay Adams PC2 John Adams PC2 Larry Adams PCC Joseph M Agapoff PC3 Rene Alcala PCC F Altman PCC Donald R. Anderson PC1 Reilly John Anglim PCC Charles Annis PC2 Michael Arkuszewski PC2 Ralph D. Ashley PC1 Oscar Avenido PCC Rudolph “Rudy” Averitt PCC Richard (Dick) G. Baber PC1 Macon Barham PCC Warren L Baric TEC/PCCWilliam Barrett PC1 Donald V. Bay MR Van Bean PCC Robert (Bob) Begarly PC1 Marvin G. Behrends PC1 Leonard Belcher PCCM Lawrence Ben PCCM Edmond G Bertrand PC1 Richard “Rick” Bewley PC2 Ron Blakely LT Vincent Earl Blank PC1 Richard W. Bohy PCCS Thomas Bokoski PC2 William C Bolden Jr. PCCM Rick Bogel PC1 Billy J. Bowman PC1/NCC Ralph L. Bowen PC1 Mark Branson PC1Tommy Briggs PCC Bradley A Brink PC1/TEYN2 Robert Eugene Brokaw “Bob” PCC Randell BrotskipPC2 Homer C. Brunton PC1 Hartzell L. Bryan PCCS(SW) Lawrence (Larry)Burke# |
PC1 Jerry D. Letterman PCCM C “Red” D Lair PC1 Larry G. Lee PC1 Charles (Chuck) Lord PCC Wesley D. Lord PC2 Willis T Luttrell Sr PC1 Dwaine L. Lutzke PCC Gary D. Lybarger MSGT Jim MacDonald USA PCC George T. Machacek PC1 Jose Malave PC1 Victor Franklin Manness PC3 Todd A Manser PC2 Rosemary Mansfield PC1 Robert Markley PCC Eddie Paul Marsee PCC James Marsh PC1 Kenneth D. Matney PC1 Frank Mazmanian PCC Jack J. McCullough PCC John McDonald PCCS Milton T. McFarland PC1 Domenic McGlade PCCS Holis L. McIntosh PC1 Ronald G. McNabb PC1 Harry W. McNew PC1 William J Menzie PC1 Thomas B. Michell PCC Edna Miles PCCS Otis Miles PC1 Francis E. Mix PC1 Alvertus C. Mosley PC1 J.R. Mota PC1 Robert H. Mullen PCC James P. Munn PC3 Lou Munoz PC1 George E Musser PC1 Robert E. Mutch PCC James K. Narramore PCC Terry D.Nelson PC1 Joseph Nichols PC Onofrio Notarangelo PCC Harold Wayne Nida PCC Virgil Noe PC1 Charlie Noel PCCM Robert E Norby PC2 Luther D. Oswald Jr. PCC Ronald M Palinkas PCC Frederick A Palkovic PCC Clark Parker PC1 Dorthy Parker PC1 Paul M Parkin PCCM Michael Patras PCC Karl Paulson PCSN George Payzant PCC John E. Peacock PCCM George W Perkins Sr PCCM John Peters PC1 Hugh Piper PC1 Dennis Pope PCC T.W. Potts PCCM Eugene Z. Podlenski PC1 Robert F Polanowski PCCM Charles Pringle PCC John (Jack) W Purdie # PCCM Abel Quinones PCC Harry E. Rathbourn PC1 Charles W. Rahr Jr PC1 Randy Redd PC1 Robert Recktenwald PC1 William Reese PC1 Harlow H Rennhack Civ Nobuku Rhodes wife of PCC Rhodes PC1 Theodore G Ribar PC1 Gerald A. Rice PC1 Horace R. Richards PCC J. L. Richardson MaM1 Edward Rickgauer PCC Cecil Rickman PCC Dave Ringler PC3 Gregory Riojas PC1 Vernon M. Roberts CWO James Roe PC3 Donald F. Ruffi PCCM Alvin J (Pat) Ryon TEM3 Norberto Saliscente Jr. PCC Roger D Salmons PCC T. Sanders PCC Eugene (Gene) Sauld PCCM Ray Schermaun PC3 John P. “Jack” Schosser PC1 James F. Schroeder PC1 George L. Schull PC3 Jonathan S Scruggs PC1 John Scruggs PC1 John L. Seabury PCC John R. Seese PCC Andre Sermons PC2 Henry Serrano PC1 Curtis E Seymour PCC Walter E. Sharpe PCC Aylor R. Shepherd PCC James E. Sheppard PCC Milton Sills PCC Donald R. Singer LTCol (PC3) Carlos (Brooks) Sinquefield, PCC Jeremy Sluss PCCS Tootsie Smalls LS2 Randall S. Smith PCCS John Spellman “Jack” # PC2 John Clarance Spicher “KIA” PCCM William “Billy” Spillman PCCS Charles “Charlie” Stancil PC2 Paul G. Stiver LCDR Robert Strath PC1 Joseph R. Stull PC1 Harry H.Stutsman PCC Norman Swidersky PC1 Jessie Taylor PCCM Charles R. Tennnyson PC1 Robert (Bob) Thomas PCC Gerald Lee Thompson PC1 Thomas B. Tisdale PCC Garret W. Toliver PC2 Tony Tonatore PC1 Richard A. Trumbull PCC Maurice Tuck PC1 Pat Twowig PCCS Vernon Uhl PCCM Herman R(Bob) Utter PC1 Bill Vanderslice PCC Joseph J Ventura PC1 Jeffery Ward PC1 George Weber PCC Paul Weiss PC1 James K White PCC Tommy Whitfield PC2 Robert Whitman PC1 Louis C Wig PC1 James W. Willard PC1 Neal R Willard PC1 Steven F. “Willie” Williams PCC Elmer (Red) Wilmes PC1 John P “JP” Wilson PC1 Marvin C. Wingo PC1 Jackie L Winn PC1 Bob G. Woodard PCC Norman “Woody” Woodbury PC1 Charles G. Wynott PCC Elbert Young PCCM Leonard Zmoreski |
If you know of someone who should be on this list, please email Navy Postal Clerk Association so he or she can be added to those honored above.
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